Calvario Albuquerque Podcast en Español

Calvario Albuquerque Podcast en Español

Skip Heitzig

Subscribase para automaticamente recibir el Audio de la enseñanza en Espanol desde Capilla Calvario Albuquerque. Esta subscripción la dará cada mensaje en la forma MP3, y puede ser escuchada en su computadora o in su MP3. The Live Service AUDIO Podcast is a twice weekly bible study with Pastor Skip Heitzig from Calvary of Albuquerque. Subscribe and you can receive FREE MP3 files of the message for your iPod or other MP3 Player. Skip teaches expositionally through the entire Bible, verse by verse. Calvary is a Christian fellowship where we gather for the purpose of knowing and glorifying Jesus Christ. We desire to see all people become committed to live as followers of Jesus Christ.

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